Hi everyone,

The Daedalus project is nearly finished now.  All I have to do is paint up the turrets and magnetise them.   I used my mini-drill to drill holes in all the turrets first and gave them a good wash in warm water to clean up the surface.

I painted them all up by hand and brush, but naturally using the same base colours I used with the body when airbrushing.  I kept the camouflage patterns as simple as posible by applying simple and basic shapes like lines, squares and trianges.

When everything was dry I added the 2mm rare earth magnets.  This can be a bit tricky if you have not done this before.  One has to be careful when placing north and south poles.  Otherwise they pose no problem.  First though I added some putty (greenstuff in this case), and then levelled the earth magnet it it.

Well this basically finishes this project, but I will be posting some pics of the finished models in about two weeks time.  Next week I will be posting the first part of a two part tutorial on request.  Until then, as always;

Farewell and good health,
