Some time ages ago - Now

Well, I've got no excuse like moving house this time. I've just been plain fucking lazy on the blogging front. And now I think about it, in the hobby overall. The good news is that I've got a few posts lined up and my hobby batteries have been recharged.

So, what have I been up to? Certainly not playing any games, although I have got one lined up for at the end of the week which should be cool. There'll be more details about what I've got planned later in the week. I've read a couple of Black Library books and reviews should be coming out at some point this week.

The trip to Nottingham which I wrote about last week was epic as always and I've been slowly building some of my purchases. The XV9 hazard suits are a treat to put together as always, but there's issues with the night shroud bomber where a couple of bits seem to have shrunk. I'm sure Forge World will be able to sort it out in their normal super friendly way.

The Tau codex has been my bed time reading for a while now and it's a fantastic codex. I didn't pick up any of the new models, expect the Cadre Fireblade, since I'd gone a bit mad the week before release and picked up loads of the existing kit.

At the moment I'm still painting my first Devilfish and also building all 24 Fire Warriors. Hopefully I'll get round to building the Piranha and Kroot squad this week too.

There should be another post coming soon with my thoughts on the codex, and also for the White Dwarf that came out the other week. So that is what's coming, fingers crossed I can stick to it.

The final thing I wanted to write about was Battle Systems. If you haven't seen them on the interwebz yet, or seen them mentioned in my blog before I urge you to check them out. Up until now they've been producing some great print-and-build sci-fi interior terrain. They're now gearing up for a kickstarter for a boxed, ready to build set which looks incredible. The box looks like it'll contain tons of pre-printed sections that slot easily together to create space ship interiors or military installations. They're currently still in development but the updates and WIP shots on their blog and facebook are very promising. The multi-level setups really grabbed my attention as they'd be perfect for Necromunda and kill team games.

That's about it folks. I'm not sure I'm going to be continuing with these "weekly" updates in future, I might just go back to posting stuff up as and when. Might mean smaller posts, but a lot more frequent. Cheers for reading!