I have been intrigued by other members of the Movement and their success with job lots on eBay. Now you may be wondering what I mean by this. I am sure that many of you are aware of the impressive haul that Stone Cold Lead made over at the Bloodforum, if not, have a quick read of this thread http://bloodforum.treps.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=489 and cry with envy.

Suitably inspired, Orlygg thought that he would have a go, so I typed in Warhammer job lot into eBay's search engine and trawled through the piles of space marine clippings to find some choice lots. Now I wanted to test the theory of getting quite a bit of Old School goodness for a small price, with a little help from the leadhead's guardian angel of the poorly listed lot. In the end, I ended up paying £3.66, including P&P for this little lot.

Thirty five 80s Citadel shields are not to be sniffed at, even at the price I paid, especially elf shields. But I also found that I now owned three more Dark Future guns, very useful for my Road Warriors project once I begin it again in the future. And then there was the RT pistol, which I do not have an example of, and a few old SM parts. It was the three miniatures that caught my interest the most. An RT Orc, and a very characterful one too, a plastic psychostyrene dwarf and a Citadel ninja circa 1985.  I reckon I could easily double my money cleaning up and relisting the metal models, not that I would of course.

So what do others think? Have I just exhibited beginner's luck and am I now doomed to buy crap from eBay in the foreseeable future, or is there lead in them eBay hills?

And dear reader, do you have any tales of job lot luck, or indeed disaster, that you can share with your fellow old school addicts?

Right, I'm off to eBay.
