Just a quickie, since I'm heavily blogging at the moment while I'm on holiday.

Forge World put out their newsletter, and formally released two of the kits that were previewed at the open day. The Tesseract Ark looks immense, it's a really clever model, and although I haven't finished reading the rules properly it's a beast on the battlefield.

The sentry pylon is available in the Fall of Orpheus with three gun options. It looks from this that each will be sold separately, and at a higher price than I was expecting.

Finally we come to the High Elves. Those of you that read my blog know that I dabble in Fantasy and have a very small Dwarf army (no pun intended, well only a little bit!) and with High Elves so easily accessible in the Island of Blood box I can see these being really popular.
Really like this, and extended flying rods too!
Eagle chariot thing

Maiden Guard

Army Shot
Phoenix and some other bird