It's been yonks since the last 40K OSR? update.
If you're part of it, feel free to use Colonel Kane's logo, here to the right, and consider linking to a superb example: their Tales from the Maelstrom.
Since that last update, they've set up and run a multiplayer Rogue Trader game, posted the photos and mused on the nature of old school.
And there's been plenty more going on too, for various systems and scales, and none.
- Mutants and Magic outlined a Mutant Future-WFRP blend - Weirdhammer.
- Jack at Tales of the Grotesque posted stats for various Tyranids in WFRP.
- Zhu Bajiee looks at a possible origin for the Tyranids in M.A.R. Barker's Tékumel and possible examples of UK politics appearing in the hobby...
- ... and SandWyrm at The Back 40K GW being a public limited company.
- Relic at Lead Space found a source of Epic-scale counts as Tyranids and looked at building up a Crimson Fists force for NetEpic over one, two posts.
- Fictive Fantasies posted two draft expansions for Fictive Hack (pdf), first for space marines then for genestealer cults, plus a scenario and playtest.
- DarthMeer at The Heralds of Ruin took us all the way up to Kill Team v1.6.
- Col. Gravis released a possible IG bike and is crowdfunding field pieces.
- James at Warp Signal posted on the Ratling Project, a major reimagining.
- Master Bryss posted the second part of creature feature for sixth edition.
- TJ Atwell did Iron Warriors and Night Lords in Dark Future's bits series, ...
- ... Davey at The Marienburg Gazette uses this set for plague marines ...
- ... and smiler at Brush of Fumbling just posted a list of skirmish options.
- The guys at Spiky Rat Pack have been producing too much superb work to list - just go and look at it - but one piece, the Living Coffin, ties in with...
- ... the pic-heavy Arkke Retour series at Tears of Isstvaan on a return to the Yggdrassilium tree, for more INQ28 gaming with John Blanche and friends.
- Unite All Action showed some great Necromunda Van Saar conversions.
- Lasgunpacker discussed the scope for normal life in the 41st millennium.
- John Bell - The Retired Adventurer - posted a map with lists for the Tellian Sector and psyker and warrior packages for 40K in Stars Without Number.
- Krisken at Scratchbuilt 40K has posted once, twice on a land raider build...
- ... Ansu at Farseer with a Brush once, twice, thrice a card Leman Russ, ...
- ... John Hanan III at Zorcon's Word once, twice the fairly rare arvus lighter...
- ... and Unite All Action - second mention - once, twice a low Ork trukk, ...
- ... plus Rictus at Recalcitrant Daze finished the immense Ork kopta karrier.
- Andrew Lotz brings the warlock titan in line with the phantom at Apoc 40K.
- Phil at The Shell Case talks about a love for the 6mm Adeptus Titanicus.
- At Dropship Studio Carl gives advice on weathering Epic-scale vehicles...
- ... and Sigur at Tale of Painters converted up a 6mm Hunter anti-air rhino.
- J. D. Brink of Chaos Theory has a way of reintroducing shooting modifiers.
- Finally, The M42 Project has posted a lot more, including an introduction.
I've probably missed a huge number of posts so feel free to leave links in the comments.