Eldar im Anmarsch, Hochelfen schon da!

Kaum ist man mal ein Wochenende von der Bildfläche verschwunden, erscheinen gleich konkrete Informationen zu zwei neuen Armeen. Die neuen Eldar kommen im Juni (Informationen weiter unten im Post) und die neuen Hochelfen kommen im Mai (eine Menge Bilder der neuen Minis am Ende des Posts). Bevor wir dazu kommen aber noch ein Rückblick auf die Turniere am Wochenende:

Den 4-Nations-Cup in Westeuropa (Midland Mayhem) hat das deutsche Team sicher für sich entscheiden können. Wobei wir allerdings allesamt sehr viel größeren Wert auf den Testcharakter der Spiele gelegt haben, als auf die harte Auseinandersetzung. Ich z.B. habe über das Wochenende gleich drei verschiedene Armeen gespielt. Fenneq hat eher gecoacht und viele deutsche Spieler habe in gemischten Teams gespielt. Ein ganz herzliches Dankeschön an dieser Stelle nochmal an die belgischen Organisatoren: Ein wunderbares Catering bei einer tollen Location in einer interessanten Stadt.

Etwas kompetitiver aber wohl auch etwas weniger kreativ in Sachen Armeelisten ging es in den Staaten zu, wo die Adepticon von einer Paladinwand mit Necron-Flieger Support gewonnen wurde. Im Prinzip waren in den Top16 12 GK/CSM/NEC Kombos in verschiedener Zusammenstellung, ein Tyranide, eine SM/IG Liste, ein DE/Eldar und ein Dämon. Spannend…Man muss zugeben: 3 Drachen mit Necron-Fliegern sind eine starke Liste und auch Knights mit Necrons sind hart. Ich für meinen Teil glaube aber, dass GW gut daran getan hat, den Tau zwei, drei Werkzeuge zu geben, die den Fliegerstaffeln so richtig die Laune verderben können. Das sollte viele Generäle wieder auf den sprichwörtlichen Boden der Tatsachen zurückbringen.

Nun aber zum eigentlichen Thema dieses Artikels:

Es gibt neue Eldar! GW scheint sich wirklich weiterhin extrem beeilen zu wollen. Nach glaubhaften Ankündigungen auf diversen Blogs werden wir die Eldar wohl bereits im Juni erwarten dürfen. Aller Voraussicht nach kommen im Mai die Hochelfen auf uns zu (dazu gleich mehr) und Ende Mai dann die Vorbestellungen für die Eldar. Das sind also knapp 6 Wochen, um überhaupt mal mit den Tau klarzukommen. Meine Herren, ich verliere langsam den Überblick…

Vom neuen Farseer gibt es auch bereits ein Bild:


Nun kann man mit dieser Blister-Bild noch keine optimales Bild des Modells machen. Ein findiger Nutzer hat daher eine digitale Rekonstruktion der Miniatur angefertigt. Demnach könnte der Farseer in etwa so aussehen:


Auch zu den Inhalten des Buch ist schon einiges bekannt. Hier einige Informationen, hauptsächlich von Faeit212:

Path system has been revamped. Autarchs take paths that are now fixed in point cost (before they became more expensive the more you took) but do not make their aspect troops.

Instead it allows corresponding aspects to be taken as compulsory troops.

Ergo, the Path of the Striking Scorpions would allow you to take up to two striking scorpions as troops.

If you also took the path of Swooping Hawks you could take up to two Swooping Hawks as troops or one and one.

Guardians are a lot cheaper and have more options for special weapons.

New transport for dire avengers / weapon platform (with no transport capacity).

And lots of new goodies.

If tau are the long range shooting army, eldar are a mix with potential units in short, mid and long range

Long range comes almost exclusively from heavy support, however so you need to create a mix it seems.

Aspects are still hyper focused and saw a very small decrease in points except fire dragons.


via Warseer / Stickmonkey

Stickmonkey here again, Fwiw,  I reported this along time ago so im not sure how valid it still is.

Eldar were supposedly getting the following:

New tank chassis, 2 builds, between falcon and cobra in size,  one build had transport capacity and some type of melta or flame based weapon (fusion cannon iirc)  the other build was essentially a flakk cannon, but not the same as the fw firestorm, bigger tl guns.

There was a new avatar sculpt but im pretty sure that ended up being a designer test seen at GD

Wraithguard get a plastic box with new weapon variants.  Lots of rumors of dial build, but nothing i’ve heard enough of to know what’s true.

Heavy rumors of new jetbikes, building guardian and shining spears.

However, it seems to be a trend not to release too many rehash boxes.  If we got wraithguard, jetbikes, and an avatar all in this release, well Ill be broke and need new shorts.

Rumors have pointed to a new farseer model, and thats all but confirmed by your recent post.

The bomber and fighter do not share a box from everything I’ve heard.  The fighter is “very” similar to the nightwing, except for the wing shape.  One of the two is rumored to use some form of distortion weapon, be it bomb or missiles i dont know.

Rumors of a new aspect exist, the word i’ve heard is this has something to do with wraith constructs, but really even that is too vague.

I know others have said there is a large wraith construct, but none of my sources are backing this now, fwiw.

For the release there are two new aspect exarch or p lord (not sure which) sculpts in finecast, and one named hq,  these are all new scuplts, but could be old characters.

Ive been told guardians are getting a new box to make them and storm guardians.  Again, i cant believe wed get so many redone plastics.  But it makes sense on its own.

So to boil it down, from the new new dept  could be 2 flyers, a dual build tank, a new large walker/mc, a few blisters, and a new aspect.

Then on top of that old models getting plastics.

Its just way too much for a release, so what will stick and what wont?


Auch wenn wir uns hier zum überwiegenden Teil mit Warhammer 40k auseinandersetzen, gibt es doch sicherlich eine ganze Reihe von Lesern dieses Blogs, die sich auch über neue Releases im Bereich Warhammer Fantasy informieren wollen. Wie ich bereits oben erwähnte, kommen im Mai die Hochelfen als neues Armeebuch für Fantasy. Hier sind die aktuellen Informationen zu den Regeln und eine Reihe von Bildern zu den neuen Minis:

via HERO’s Gaming Blog:

Source #1 – Source says from the WD

Some rumours for you all.

New Sea Guard character type. Can ride flying chariot
Hoeth Loremaster is a Lord choice and is L2 mage that knows all signature spells from battle magic.
Phoenix gets buffs based on winds of magic. If it dies, comes back on a roll of a 6
Reavers and Silverhelms core
Bolt throwers are rare
High Elf lore attribute “Shield of Saphery” grants 6+ ward save, if you have a 6+ ward save already it increase by +1
White Lions and Swordmasters still have ASF…
Phoenix can be ridden or unridden. Flame Phoenix is anointed of Asuuryan, Frost is anointed of Caradryan
Sisters of Averlorn, magic bows.

Source #2

I have contacts that have confirmed 2 things for me

A. Lord level lordmaster is in the game in some capacity(knowign 1 of each lore which is sig)
L2 wizard high elf hero stats but 3 wounds.

B. Looks like ASF is staying contary to all rumours, however whether it is speed of asuryan style with great weapon im yet to find out, however i highly doubt it and think it will flick to initiative order rather than asl. Looks like great weapons in initiative order. Also new rule partial prowess across the entire army!

C. Lothern Sky cutter chariots are the new chariot pulled by a swift feather rock! Eagle eye bolt thrower on back (possibly an upgrade)
can be a character mount for new character Lothern sea helm which is the guys you have seen with bsb in rumour sections. This guy can alos be on foot and or armed with trident.

D. Sisters of averlorn are rare choice with magical bows using wytch fire.

E. High elf core will be reavers and silver helms and high elf militia(i dont know details of this)

F. Sms and Dps WLs(characian hunters) same stats have no idea if they have extra armour or not yet.

G. Flame Spire Phoenix does a slash attack, wake of fire (like abomb it can get back up), soem type of ward, attune to magic rule.

H. Lion chariots same stats will be stubborn.

I. Shadow warriors plastic kit sold in 10s.

J. Anointed of Asuryan is character that can ride phoenix.

K. Banner of world dargon possible without bsb though i dont know what it does.

L. Sms 6+ ward possibly only vs shooting

M. RBT still in rare

N. Everqueen has an upgrade or a second character is called her hand maiden appears to be a body guard

O. High magics

Lore attribute you gain +1 to ward saves

signatures *2
Soul quench 8+16+ 18 inch
2d6/4d6 s4 magic missiles
Drain Magic is an augment and hex 7+ remians in play (not sure on details)

Spell 1 Apothesis 5+
single model 18inch
recovers a wound or boosted 12+D3 wounds

Spell no? Hand of glory5+/10+
Increases ws,bs,i,m by 1 or d3

Sorry thats all i have
Thats all I have guys hope that helps confirm or dispel some rumours, watch this space if you want the truth.

Source #3

1) High Magic Lore attribute is 6+ ward save on friendly units if you cast a spell on them. If your already have a ward save, this gets better by 1 point.
2) Stubborn Lion Chariots.
3) Frost and Fire phoenixes can go alone. BUT frost phoenix can only be ridden by Caradryan and fire phoenix by the Anointed of Asuryan.
4) Loremaster of hoeth is L2 Lord option with WS6 W3 A3. Knows all signatures from rulebook.
5) New Lothern Sea Guard hero character. He can ride a flying boat.
6) New Lord option: Anointed of Asuryan. He can ride a fire phoenix.
7) Silver Helms go core.
Sisters of Avelorn will have magic bows (but we do not know if any other bonuses)
9) Three army rules: Speed of Asuryan, Valor of Ages, Martial Prowess. We do not know yet if they remain the same or they have changed (apparently the latter option).
10) Flying boat name is Skycutter. LSG hero can be built on foot or as a crewmember from the Skycutter sprue. Phoenixes’ names are: flamespyre/frostheart; Anointed of Asuryan and plastic Caradryan can be built either mounted or on foot from plastic sprues of phoenixes
11) Deductions: Phoenixes WON’T be MC, for they go either alone or are a hero mount. You may expect heros from other regions (avelorn, caledor, chrace)

All those things can be already considered facts, AND they are today’s leaks all of them.

Source #4

New Range Items

Warhammer: High Elves
· 96 page full-colour, hardback Warhammer armies book written by Mat Ward.

High Elves Flamespyre Phoenix/ Frostheart Phoenix
· This box contains a multipart plastic kit that makes either a Flamespyre Phoenix or a Frostheart Phoenix, two completely new monster miniatures for Warhammer, along with two mighty warriors of renown that can ride them.

High Elves Lothern Skycutter
· This completely new flying chariot is a multipart plastic kit that can be assembled in one of three different ways. Either as a flying chariot drawn by Swiftfeather Roc, upgraded to include an Eagle Eye Bolt Thrower or a mount for a Sea Helm a new High Elf Hero.

High Elves Shadow Warriors/Sisters of Avelorn
· This box contains a multipart plastic kit that makes either ten Shadow Warriors armed with Longbow and Sword or 10 Sisters of Avelorn, a new High Elf unit armed with magical Bows of Avelorn.

Loremaster of Hoeth
· This clampack contains a new High Elf warrior mage, the Loremaster of Hoeth as he charges into battle casting a fireball spell on a sculpted base.

Repackaged High Elf Battalion
· Contains 20 Spearmen, 20 Archers, 8 Silver Helms and a High Elf Chariot (that can be assembled as a Tiranoc Chariot or a Lion Chariot of Chrace).

Uniforms and Heraldry of the High Elves Book
·72 page full-colour, hardback Uniform and Heraldry guide detailing the colour schemes, crests, banners and blazonry of the ten realms of the High Elves.

New Finecast Releases

Alarielle the Radiant
· A clampack that contains one highly detailed Citadel Finecast resin miniature sculpted by Edgar Ramos. Alarielle is the Everqueen of Ulthuan her miniature strides forward with roses bursting to life beneath her feet as she strides over a piece of Chaos Warrior armour.

Handmaiden of the Everqueen
· A clampack that contains one highly detailed Citadel Finecast resin miniature sculpted by Darren Latham. The Handmaiden is a warrior champion of the Everqueen

Available While Stocks Last
These Items are highly limited, please request the quantity you require and we will supply you as close to this number as we can.

Warhammer Battle Magic: High Elves
·Eight cards that define the unique effects of High Elf spells and are great to help keep track of the spells used by each of the wizards on the battlefield.

via Oliver / Faeit 212 inbox

Warhammer: High Elves (English) – $49.50
Uniforms & Heraldry of the High Elves (English) – $33.00
High Elves Flamespyre Phoenix – $60.00
High Elves Lothern Skycutter – $60.00
High Elves Shadow Warriors – $50.00
High Elves Loremaster of Hoeth – $20.00
Alarielle the Radiant – $19.25
Handmaiden of the Everqueen – $16.00
High Elves Chracian Shields Upgrade Pack – $18.00
High Elves Battalion – $120.00
WBM: High Elves (English) – Magic Cards. – $6.00












