Well, due to some miscommunication, this entry didn't get put out last Thursday as I was hoping.  So please read on, enjoy and pretend like Adepticon was just starting . . .

Well, it's been a brutal 3 months.

After the release of the Dark Angels Codex in January, my Adepticon team came up with the completely insane idea that we would dive in head first and take the Sons of the Lion to Chicago.

1000 points in 3 months isn't a big deal, right?  Wrong!  After you throw real life into the mix, 1000 points is a lot of freaking painting.  Especially when you are super critical of your own work and have the inclination to be completely anal when it comes to how your army looks.

21 models is what my force comprised of.  21 isn't a lot.  Oh, did I mention the fact that 20 of those models are bikes of one type or another.  You can pretty much count each bike as at least 2 standard infantry models.  That's a lot of extra surface area your brush needs to cover.

All complaining aside, I'm pleased with how my force looks.  My team has gotten a number of practice games in and I think we're comfortable with what role each unit plays in our scheme.  I'm even excited to expand my force beyond 2000 points after I return from the Windy City.

2013 marks my 3rd trip to Adepticon.  I'm very excited to make the journey as each trip has been a ton of fun.  This year brings a  two day format to the Team Tournament, providing more potential than ever.

What are our goals?  To be competitive, have fun, and look good doing it.  Well, at least the army will look good.

Here is my 1000 point portion of our Adepticon list:

HQ:  Sammael on Jetbike

Troop:  6 man Ravenwing Bike squad w/ 2 melta guns and sgt w/ melta bombs

Troop:  6 man Ravenwing Bike squad w/ 2 plasma guns and sgt w/ melta bombs

FA:  7 man Ravenwing Black Knight squad w/ 2 grenade launchers and sgt w/ melta bombs and power sword

FA:  Darkshroud Land Speeder

That's it.  21 models.  20 bikes and a land speeder, all black and sinister looking ready to take heads in the name of the God Emperor!

I'll provide an AA report next week.

If you see me, please walk up and introduce yourself, I'd love to meet you.  I'm the big dude in the 40K Fight Club shirt.

- Hornblower