I choked during the Adepticon Championships.  Yes, I choked.  I was on the verge of qualifying for the finals and achieving best imperial but apparently, it just wasn't in the cards this year. 

How you might ask?  Well let me take you a tale of silliness. 

Foremost, here are the results of the championships.  During the course of the event, I improved over last year by moving up 3 places.  You will also note that the player who won best imperial was only 5 points above me.  If I would have qualified, achieved more secondary objectives, people weren't being stingy on sportsmanship, or even drew on my last game, I would have a cool trophy and some prize support to talk about.  But nope... didn't happen.  I choked against a terrible army. 

My first game, I pissed off my opponent.  Not because I was being mean, or a tool, but rather because I stole a win from him like a boss.  He had the game on turn one.  My opponent was using a drop pod list, managed to kill 3 bikes (terrible, I know) but I failed a leadership check and had a full bike squad and my captain run off the table.  I did manage to crawl back from destruction and beat him on kill points while tying him on objectives.  If I would have had that full squad, I would have been able to lock down full points against him.  I was just proud that I was able to calm myself, play smart, and end up winning in the end. 

My second and third games, I managed to beat necron flyer spam and daemon hordes, but even though we were laughing the entire time, neither player gave me a favorite opponent.  I even gave my opponent my extra tape measure and I just got an average score.  Lame! 

My fourth game is where choking took full place.  I, even though I had first turn, way way way over estimated the army I was facing and put half of my army in reserve.  I should have put everything on the table and not played like a girl (no pun intended).  I played way to defensively, even though I had the tools to slaughter his list. I am not sure why I played like an idiot.  Perhaps it was because I was tired, perhaps it was because it was late, or perhaps I haven't had enough experience against necrons, but I lost. 

I am a bit disappointed in my last game, because I played like a noob.  I know exactly what I did wrong and I learned my lesson the hard way. 

Rant / Off

Anyways, over the next few days, stay tuned to my Adepticon coverage.  It was a great event, lots of lessons learned, and good battle reports, despite unfortunate events which occurred throughout the weekend.  It was also sweet meeting up with David and talking about bike armies and nerdiness all weekend.  Stay tuned!