Adepticon has come and gone in a blaze of nerd and paint filled fire!! The event is a massive Hobby explosion of events, classes, and vendors. This year STC was on site, as Lantz "THE MAN" was on site taking classes and absorbing knowledge to pass on. I was onsite taking in the events, playing games, and just in general being silly and having a great time. I took a massive amount of pictures, from my trip, and the team event day one. However let's jump into our Adepticon Coverage with the Crystal Brush Winners.
'The Crystal Brush if you don't know is a Cool Mini or Not painting contest much like a golden Deamon style event. This is the second year and man the entries make you drool and realize that there is always much more to learn. They are on Display at the event and winners are announced toward the end with cash prizes and fancy trophies to be had for the blood you shed putting layers of paint on your creation of love or evil depending on your category. Let's take a look at all the amazing work that won.
If you go to the Crystal brush site you can get several more pictures and angles of any of the models shown above also the artist information for the painter. I highly suggest you jump over to see some of this amazing work in more detail.
These models where amazing to see up close, and I used the official pictures instead of the one's I took because behind the display case my pictures didn't do the painting justice.
This is a bit of a start I have several more posts of things adepticon related, not to mention while I was on site I gathered a few small goodies that I could pass on to our followers of the STC site through some drawings in the very near future. So if your not following jump in and maybe when a limited edition Adepticon Figure, or some bitz or whatever other nonsense I have in the bags I haven't been awake enough to go through and sort just yet. Stay Tuned!!