Adepticon 2013 is over and it's time to set my sights on what is likely the only "large" tournament I will be playing in for the foreseeable future.  The Alamo 40k GT is exactly what I look for in a tournament really.  Even better this year as they are allowing Forge World units!!

I look forward to Alamo every year and this year is no different, even with my general distaste for the current 40k competitive environment.  I'm going in a little different direction this year with my army list.  With the prevalence of Helldrakes and Night Scythes, I decided to load up a bit on anti-flyer weaponry.  I still left myself with a pretty good list I think though...

Venántium Draco

Belial, Thunder Hammer & Stormshield
5x Terminators, 4x Thunder Hammer & Stormshield, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chainfist
5x Terminators, 4x Thunder Hammer & Stormshield, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chainfist
5x Terminators, 4x Thunder Hammer & Stormshield, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chainfist
5x Terminators, 3x Thunder Hammer & Stormshield, Plasma Cannon, Chainfist
5x Terminators, 3x Thunder Hammer & Stormshield, Plasma Cannon, Chainfist
2x Hyperios Air Defense Battery
2x Hyperios Air Defense Battery
5x Scout Squad, 5x Sniper Rifle, Camo Cloaks
Imperial Bastion, Quad-gun

I've been looking forward to using Termies with plasma for a while now and it will be fun to paint.  I'll be building up my Bastion to be pretty sweet I hope.  I've got a little less than a month to get everything ready and at least one other project to tackle before then.  I'm hoping to have that done in the next week though.