Hey all, getting back into the swing of things with updating this thing. Hope we're all good?

Recently, after the dissapointment of the new armybook, I began trying to get my mojo for warhammer back. I began looking at new armys but, in the end, Im staying with Khorne.

GW only seem interested in pushing new armies, and I've given them near £75 in buying skullcannons. Now I'm just going to add to my khorne army. It may be crap, but I like my models, I'm not shifting.

Here's my latest addition, a skull throne of khorne. Its heavily converted, replacing the from buck toothed face for a juggernaut. Juggers are just a staple of a khorne army, and I really wanted one pulling my herald along.

The herald has skull takers head and a cloak from the warriors chariot set. I added a chain for hos cloak and a spare shoulder pad from the skullcrusher kit. I gave the bloodletter body guard a bloody icon, I know its a fairly common bit but I havnt used it anywhere else in the army. I can now use him as a BSB.

Let me know what you think!