The Ogres march on the Dwarf Occupied Hill
Hey guys, been a while since I last posted, in truth I have been a whirlwind of activity with work, buying a house and playing quite a lot of warhammer! I hosted a little gaming day with the PaintHammer lads (plus Jamie) and we played a mini round robin tournament (everyone played each other once). We took a bucket of photos and had a great time so please have a look about!

The results are below and I was lucky enough to win overall (by just 1 point!) and Jamie won the Slayer award with his filthy Empire Grandmaster (take that internet!).

In other news I am almost finished the Ogres (just 6 models to go!) and have planned my next army...Watch this space as I will try and outline the project at the start of May. Unfortunately this does mean that I will being my lovely fatties, so if anyone is interested in buying the full 6000pt Frostfang Ogre tribe off me get in touch (I need every penny for my new house!).

The Warriors descend upon Jamie's Empire Gunline

The Daemon Prince at the bottom goes on a rampage shortly!

Dorian's poor High Elves get taken off by the Dwarven artillery

The high Elf dead pile.... it gets bigger!

The skull crushers get ready to flank the grandmaster's knight retinue

The white lions after a deafening roar of dwarf organ guns

A sad panda Dorian laments his dead elves!

That knight unit is away to be deleted!

an epically low dice roll....

The Frost fangs deployed

Shock News just in, " Dwarfs in corner deployment shocker!"

George the Gorgeous Gorger begins wreaking havoc

In a very tight (but unfortunate for Mike) game a blood bath ensues with the Ogres coming out on top

In a reversal of fortune the Dwarf gunline goes nuts and takes off all the Chaos toys

Mike's Dwarfs

Jason's Warriors advance to their doom

The ogres assault the High Elf lines and go all filthy and win through stats!

The silver...eagle...delivers the killing blow on the stonehorn

I plan the elven downfall in my lucky scotland top!

Cant wait to see this dude painted!

Poor stone....

Mike's rangers!

In a shock turn of events the dwarfs set a different corner!

I score my first ever 20-0 vs Jason after some really bad luck on his part, could have so easily gone the other way if purple sun had ruined my fun!

For banter I declare a charge... with everything! I pull it off in jammy ogre filth fashion!

Meanwhile Jamie comets.....everything off of mike's corner!

A resounding Ogre success takes everything but the Daemon prince off!

In a final show down the Empire table the dwarfs for no loses.....stealth filth! I've still never beaten Jamie with my Ogres!