So have been thinking more of how I am going to play my tau with the new codex, and have arrived at this possibility:

Tau "Missile Spam" - 2,000 points


Commander - 2 x missile pods, puretude chip & drone controller
2 x Crisis Bodyguard 2 x fusion blasters


3 x Crisis Suits - missile pod & twin-linked Plasma
3 x Crisis Suits - missile pod & twin-linked Plasma
3 x Crisis Suits - missile pod & twin-linked Plasma


6 x Fire Warriors w/ Devilfish - Devilfish w/ smart missile system
6 x Fire Warriors w/ Devilfish - Devilfish w/ smart missile system 
6 x Fire Warriors w/ Devilfish

Heavy Support

3 x Broadside Team - early warning override
3 x Broadside Team - early warning override & 6 x missile drones
3 x Broadside Team - early warning override &6 x missile drones


The list pumps out an obscene 82 x S7 shots, 36 of which are twin-linked (Broadsides, which can also fire at fliers...poor fliers...), another 12 are only BS2, but one squad of Broadside with missile drones can benefit from the Shas'o's drone controller so they would be BS5!!!

I guess my only concern is the unit of double Bodyguards, which I took purely for anti AV14. Too little? If I run into a list with any more than one AV14 than I am up a creek, but AV13 I can glance to death reliably with 82x S7 shots!

As for killing marines I have 9 TL plasma rifles, and the Missile barrage should hopefully overwhelm them with amount of saves they have to take.

The Commander joins a Missileside Team with missile drones, making the Drones BS5, and the entire unit having tank hunters. That one squad will get 23 x S7 hits on average.

So what do you think of my list? Good for lolz for competitive? What could I cut for another FW squad?