Adepticon Coverage continues. Right away I want to let you know this is a long post of picture madness, so long that I had to split the thing into two articles because I took so many pictures. You guys said take pictures and by Damn I did. Possibly because you guys asked, possibly because there was that much cool stuff, or could be because I am Asian. >_< ...
Day 2 I spent playing in the 40k Team Event but before playing I walked the floor to take in the sites. If you have never seen a Adepticon Team event you are missing out. More people come to show off, and dress up or go for theme than to actually smash face. Normally a really fun event. Let's take a look at some of the awesome armies and display boards.
I want to note that this board was not only massive, it basically took over 2 tables but also all the blue lights you guys see on the building looked really cool spinning around the buildings creating this cool sci fi look that really pulled you into the board.
This was a massive board that spun multiple layers and told a story of the battle.
These hooks had been on the top table and...
This picture should be rotated but alas I am too lazy at this point. However the hooks you saw above is this team of assassins grappling down to the bottom floor of the display.
This Display board actually broke apart so each team member could carry their little world from table to table.
I don't know what models these girls are from? If someone knows speak up I am curious what line they are from.
I thought it was very funny that this wrecked model match the actual model in the army. So it was like one of planes was lost before the battle started...Something the guy I talked to hadn't really considered when he painted it.
Simple board but had this cool concept of the leaders all meeting for some type of discussion before the battle.
Worlds most expensive terrain!!! Actually I was told it is completely magnetized so you can remove it fromt he terrain, and snap the wings out and play with the model.
I can't imagine how mind numbing it would be to paint this many wolves.
Yes this is a sesame street themed display board
I'll post up part two next week. In fact next week we may have a post daily to burn through all this Adepticon Content so stay tuned for that.
In the meantime let's have a quick give away.
<Re-post from STC where I guest write, all guest articles will always be reposted here with a delay from other sites so you don't have to jump around to follow my content. Also to keep a record of things I wrote>
However I have been posting the Adepticon Articles very shortly after I post them there since there are random contest going on so my personal followers get a chance to Enter the contest too!! So here is the deal you have until monday morning to enter the raffle for the Armor Cast sampler pack shown above. You just have to go to the STC article and comment. All people who comment and are also followers of the STC will be entered in the raffle. Also for people who have taken the time to follow my small humble corner of madness online we will be doing another give away. Everyone that comments on this post, and is a follower or a facebook follower of the Emperor's Codex will be entered into a small bitz bag raffle. I brought bag several random small bitz grab bags with the intent of randomly sending them off to readers as a thank you. So here's your chance to win the first one.. Good Luck!!