OK, taking a break from filing and prepping dozens of Painting Pyramid miniatures.  There is a pile of metal shavings that is at least a half an inch high.  I have washed my hands 3 times, and they are that wonderful shade of blueish grey once again!

Lots of Reaper minis, but also a healthy dose of Raging Heroes.  Many more of those are on the way, including some very special figures that will be used for the gold/copper/brass videos.

I have also been prepping some of the CMON big cirtters as well.  Speaking of washing, I have lots of resin to clean off later this weekend. :-)

Phil is here next to me prepping a bunch of his Blood Bowl figs.  He'll have at least 2 full teams ready to go.

Tomorrow we will see some images of terrain painting at the Wandering Dragon!  Stay Tuned!