After a few months doing other things I’m back in the saddle and much to my amazement I find myself with a stack of Tau models that need putting together. I’ve always liked the look of Tau and their place as one of the three races in 40k who are actually happy about the future (along with Orks, who just want to fight, and Tyranids, who just want to eat everything) and so I find myself with a couple of squads of Fire Warriors to make, a battlesuit I’ve had sitting around for years and the nice new Broadside model. See, I can do restraint and not buy an entire release at once.
I’ve also got a few magnets so this army is getting magnetised. The battlesuit has all of it’s options magnetised already and is sitting with the undercoat drying at this moment, but the interesting thing I’m doing is putting magnets on the base. I’ve also got some nice solid A3 sheets of plastic that I’ve started supergluing more magnets to as well as some cork tile. The result is an (almost) instant display base that the models shouldn’t fall off of.
Having not really looked at anything for a couple of months it’s been quite shocking to see how fast Games Workshop have been moving. I missed a whole army release that I’ve really not looked at yet, and I still want to do something with Dark Angels. These releases really seem more aimed at modellers rather than gamers as there’s no way you can play an army to death in the two months between releases so it’s quite hard for somebody like me who tends to jump on the latest releases to play the army until the new shiny comes out. I only play once a week at most so I’m really going to end up scaling back how much I buy if they keep this up.
On the other hand I can’t wait to see what they plan to do in a few years when everybody has a 6th edition codex out.