For everyone wondering about BoLS being down, I've just checked. Larry's looking into it and he's confident everything is fine, and the Lounge is still going. I don't have any news on the situation at Faeit 212, but as far as I know, Natfka is away at an event at the moment, so that might slow down the response a little. All should be clear soon enough.

Update: The Spirit Chamber has more, and points to this thread at Dakka Dakka. Looks a slightly worse case now, as in GW takedown requests to the blog software provider for infringement. An email from Natfka suggests he wants to get it resolved. Interestingly, Warboss Gubbinz makes the link with TSR, original publishers of Dungeons & Dragons.

Update: For clarity, the issue at Faeit 212 at least seems to be prerelease White Dwarf images. The legitimacy of that is being debated. Zweischneid has some reflections here.

Update: Larry has posted here at the Lounge to say he's still assuming the BoLS issue is a technical one, Natfka here a little lower down suggesting the problem should be one post not whole blog, and Loken at Apocalypse 40K, also affected, has an overview here.