It appears that Faeit 212 (and possibly BOLS) has been taken down due to DCMA orders. It's a real shame because I loved glancing over the blog hunting for the latest rumors...

To follow more of the discussion, go to Dakka Dakka. The bottom line, however, looks like Google got served with several DCMA requests to remove content that violated their copyrights and the latest posting of the High Elf White Dwarf pictures/articles was the straw that broke the camel's back.

It is also interesting how some blogs got hit while others did not, so who knows what is going on behind the scenes. Either way, R.I.P. whoever was hit by GW's new game: "Legal Hammer." I hope to see Faeit 212 up again in the future, however, so come back Faiet and spill the beans on the Eldar!