So I’ve got a serious backlog of posting going on, between the rest of our Ogre-Daemon batrep, things I’ve been painting, and new toys I’ve gotten.

I’ll start with this one, being the most recent.

Last night I found myself with some extra free time (the wife and kids were asleep and I had no one to chat with on Hangout), so I decided to paint up a test model for my Screaming Eagle unit.  When I was painting Yuri the Axe the other day (that post coming shortly) I used some colours that I made a note of for the Screaming Eagles, thinking they might work, so I went with those.  From start to finish this guy took maybe an hour, including drying time.  That’s without the basework, which I might do tonight.


I think he turned out great, I am super happy with him.  I am glad the colours turned out, because before I gave him a wash he looked like this, which I was quite worried about.


He looked really light and I did not think he would work.  But the magic of GW washes saved the day :)

So, these are the colours I used:

  • Prime: Vallejo Desert Tan
  • Uniform: P3 ‘Jack Bone
  • Patches: P3 Ordic Olive
  • Webbing/Pouches/Pack: P3 Trollblood Highlight
  • Helmet/Scabbard/Shovel: P3 Traitor Green
  • Gloves: P3 Rucksack Tan
  • Boots/Holster: P3 Bloodstone
  • Thompson: P3 Pig Iron, P3 Bloodtracker Brown
  • Wash: GW Seraphim Sepia; Ogryn Flesh on boots

And voila, a Screaming Eagle.  As you can see, I managed to get my favourite paints in there, Rucksack Tan and Bloodstone.  It’s amazing how much you can paint with a limited palette :)

I’ll get the basework done tonight, I think, and then I have to think about the shoulder patches.  Do I look for decals, or do I just go free-hand? Hrm.

Well, I’ll try and get those other posts done over the next few days, while at night I keep painting.  I’m not going between Ogres, Khador and Screaming Eagles.  Between those, I’ll be pretty busy for a while.  And I’m pretty sure I’ll throw some other painting projects in there as we go along.

Anyway, thanks for reading.