It seems that many people are angered with Games Workshops latest legal warnings that the 40k rumour blog, Faiet212 has been closed down. Its a shame the whole site is closed, and not just the blog posts that GW thought broke the rules. Much outcry from the internet then...

But why? Its been stated that Natfka had been issued warnings before, yet he kept on posting rumours knowing full well it could happen. It seems many people do not agree with the way Games Workshop release information, and in some ways I can understand this. If we knew what was coming out, we could save up and be better prepared for new releases. I posted many months ago about rumours and the sense of having Christmas day spoiled. I used to love getting the latest White Dwarf and seeing those nice pictures of new things and being genuinely excited. These days however, I seem to have to be aware of these things through badly taken pictures OF pictures and multiple rumours, where some are true and others arent. This can hurt those people who save, as if rumours are not true when the new product is released then they wont want the new shiny things.

While its a shame that the entire site has been shut down, I understand the reasons why. I don't however understand the amount of rage people are coming out with about Games Workshop wanting to do things their way with THEIR products. Do I sound like a GW fanboy? Well, it bothers me little. I love playing 40k, I love playing Blood Bowl and Necromunda so perhaps I am.

What are your thoughts?