Tj here to show off the fully painted Gorilla Daemon Prince that I have been working on. Since he is basically a giant flying ape, I will call him Bananas! Bananas was a hell of a lot of fun to paint and I want to show off some pics, talk a little about the paint job and about the "Army of the Apocalypse" not to be confused with an apocalypse army. So let's take a look at the photos:

If you want to know how Bananas was built, check out the Label "Gorilla" which will include this post and the previous two posts on construction. If not, we will move on and talk about paint. Bananas' yellow armor was based in Tausept Ochre and then washed Seraphim Sepia, the mostly rebased with Tausept Ochre, then I added the weathering, which was a scratch of Scorched Brown, filled in almost completely with Vermin Brown, then again with Leadbelcher. I then highlighted most of the area around the weathering and the armor plate facing up with Iyanden Darksun, Finally, I highlighted select edges around each weathered spot with Flash Gitz Yellow.

Bananas' flesh was painted using the Corrupted Flesh tutorial with a few minor tweeks to make for some variations in the wings ect. If I end up talking about those tweeks it will be in a different post.

Sorry for the blurry photo, but I just want to show the model off at all angles.

The spine and all of the metal pistons and his claws were all based in Leadbelcher, then washed with Fuegan Orange (this wash is the best!). I then want back and painted the metal Leadbelcher again, leaving the orange in the recesses. Finally, I highlighted the metal parts with Chainmail.

I have to say again just how pleased I am with the Helbrute as a base model. It has all these little extra details that just tie a conversion together.

There are tons of little exposed pieces of cable and eyes all over this model, but many of them are hidden from plain sight. With that in mind, I painted a series of cables above his head to show off the blues. I ran them through the full gamut of blues from Kantor to Ceremite and all the colors and 50/50 blends in between.

The filigree was based in Snakebite Leather, then painted Brass scorpion, highlighted in Dwarf Brass and then line highlighted in Runelord Brass.

The horns and bones were all based in Scorched Brown, then painted with Graveyard Earth, then Karnack Stone and then barely dusted with Bone. The tongue was painted Warlock Purple, then Genestealer Purple and then highlighted once in Pink Horror and finally in Emperor's Children.

For those of you who have been enjoying the base I have this model mounted on, so have I. I picked up 20 40mm and 5 more 60mm bases from Ironheart Artisans to go with this one. The bases are so textured that they take paint and powders soooo well. Check out their site for these Ravaged Temple bases.

The base was based in Mechinicus Dark Grey (or whatever it is called, it's dark) and then washed in Agrax Earthshade. I then came back and painted all but the recesses the mechanicus grey again. I then painted the slightly higher bumps and above Dawnstone and finally drybrushed the greys with Fortress Grey. I then painted the white parts in Karnack Stone, washed Earthshade, then another layer of Karnakc, then Bone on the higher bumps and finally I edge highlighted the very edges with Ceremite.

Finally, the base was powdered with Vallejo Dark Umber and then given some GF9 dead grass.

Here is an overexposed shot so you can see some of that blue work I talked about.

The toenails were painted using the same method as the bones and horn, though I was tempted to give him a fire engine red, sexy toenail, haha.

Overall, I really enjoyed painting the model and look forward to adding some more MCs to this for a full MC army! For those of you wondering about the bizarre yellow and blue and other non-traditional Chaos colors, I can explain ...

When Chris Vinton and Chuck Groff and I went to our last tourney together, I was joking about how my army had robots, UFOs and zombies and dragons, disease and Daemons all at the same time. We joked that it was like all of the theories on how the world would end wrapped up into one idea. Well, I really liked the idea and I REALLY like the yellow scheme! SO, I painted this Daemon to match this concept and as you can see with the Typhus model, things are starting to come together. I think it is a good opportunity to have some unique models and paint schemes, themed allies and a lot of fun bafoonery all in the same concept while still bringing some serious lists to the tables.

Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed Bananas, the flying monkey daemon prince. Comments and feedback are always appreciated.