The other day I received a bunch of Warmachine models from a friend, one of many new purchases that I’ll be talking about soon. After finishing up (minus bases) the last of my Ogre infantry I decided it was time for a quick break before getting back to them. It was between Yuri the Axe and the Widowmakers, and I was urged by my fellows that since I was on somewhat of a roll with Ogres that the sooner I got back to them, the better.
So, I got to work on Yuri. On night one I primed Yuri and the two Thundertusk riders, night two I began painting Yuri and got almost all of the way through, and night three I put the finishing touches on him with the last washes, and just his basing to go.
And I have to admit, as simple as his paintjob is, I quite like how he turned out:
Overall he his much lighter in tone than Privateer’s version. Instead of light grays, my washes hued his furs with beiges. This was not exactly intentional, as I thought I would add another watered down wash to darken him up, but I ended up liking it this way. And I guess he is somewhat juxtaposed with the rest of the Khador models I’ve put together so far, who are dark red and black.
In terms of base colours his clothing is ‘Jack Bone and Menoth White for the furs, with Beast Hide for the leathers and Hammerfall Khaki for the lacing. The wolf-fur cloak was based with a mix of Trollblood Highlight and Menoth White. His skin started off with Midlund Flesh then got a little bit of Ryn Flesh over it to lighten it up a bit. Metals were Pig Iron and Glorious Gold, and the axe handle is Beast Hide leather over Bootstrap Leather wood. And lastly the claws on his cloak are Rucksack Tan.
I washed the entire model with watered down Seraphim Sepia. The fur areas all got a more watered down version than did the areas I wanted darker. I then hit various areas of the cloak with a darker Sepia wash, and others with watered down Badab Black, trying to give the illusion of the cloak being made of multiple furs from different wolves.
And voila, Yuri the Axe.
Here are some shots him in progress.
I should probably get back to my Ogres, now.
Thanks for reading.