It is official!  I am finally getting my life back.  How might you ask?  WELL....  

As of 04/28/13, I have completed all of the course work for my Master's degree in Security Policy Studies.  HHEEELLLLLL YYYEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

I will (finally) be graduating with my Master's degree in only a matter of days (this Saturday to be exact).

It is truly exciting to get my life back.  No more homework, no more thesis papers, no more papers in general, and no more annoying teachers who never respond to anything (long story).  It has been a lot of work and I am hope it pays off.... not to mention that I have been in school for way to long.

I am finally done.

Now it is time for more 40k, talking about Adepticon, talking about other 40k, looking for work (booo), and just enjoying summer.   So lets celebrate with some Bon Jovi.