Switching projects again (briefly), I (re)painted the first half of this squad last year, so over the last week I finished the other five figures to round out the squad.

GW Eldar Guardians for my Craftworld Ulthwe army, AKA the only playable army I have for 40k.

Outfitted with a scatterlaser (as shown here), they clock in at a miserly 105pts, and can sit back and snipe with the S6, assault 4 platform gun, a boon against light armour.

Odd poses courtesy of some of my very first attempts at assembling multi part figures.

The heroic pose belies the ineffectiveness of the Shuriken Catapult, the only gun worse than a Lasgun (mostly).

Curiously, only one figure in the squad is unhelmeted. Why, I don't know.

Broken appendages courtesy of several years mistreatment. 

Next time, back to the 6mm stuff, in particular the 42nd Highland 'Black Watch' regiment, of which I've finished half. Until then, more pictures below: