In the days of old, one could pay $150AUD for a Space Marine battleforce, getting:

- 15 tactical marines ($91, thereabouts)
- 5 Scout Marines ($41)
- 5 Assault Marines ($41)
and a Rhino ($50)

For a total of $223 AUD value, you paid roughly 67% of the price. 

IF course, this was mitigated by the worthlessness of the space Mairne Scout and Assault Squads, making the value of the box about $141 AUD; you could use the Assault marines, but you knew you wouldn't do anything more than a few kitbashes with them. 

The kit has gone up to $180 AUD now. You still get the same junk, only the gap between prices has increased to $254. You pay more now. About 70% of full price. 

Of course, the Battleforce box is a silly example. It has too much in it that makes it not worthwhile to be purchased. But then I Stumbled across this, in Tau. 

To purchase a single XV8 Battlesuit, one pays $41 AUD. This is 1 suit with 2 gun drones. 
To purchase 3 XV8 Battlesuits, one pays $80 AUD. This is 3 suits with 6 gun Drones. 

That means you pay roughly the cost of two suits to get three. Literally, buy two, get one free. 

I just thought I'd risk pointing this out. Maybe GW will read this and say "What?! we can't have savings!" and increase the price of 3 XV8 suits to exactly $123 AUD.