by SandWyrm

The next K-Town Throwdown is on the 1st of June. Here's the details...

Gamer DMZ
1233 West Jackson St. Ste. A
Kokomo, IN 46901
Phone: (765) 868-8330

Saturday, June 1, 2013
: 9:00 AM
First Game: 10:00 AM
Round Time: 2 Hours, with a 1/2 hour break after the first round.
Max Players: 32
Cost: $15.00
There will be 3 rounds for all players, and a 4th round if enough players show up.
Game Details:
6th Edition, 1750 Points

3 Colors are not required, and your painting will not affect your generalship score!
Aegis Defense Lines & Bastions are allowed.

The missions will be posted on May 15th.

Specials & Prize Support

First Place: $70.00
Second Place: $40.00
Third Place: $15.00
Best Painted Army: $15.00
Best Single Miniature: $10.00

That's $150 in total prize support. Uberdark says that if they get more than 20 players, that they'll increase the prize support by $50.00 (split amongst all prize winners). If they get up to 32 players, they'll increase it another $50.00.
To sign up, just send an email to, or send them a message through their Facebook page at:

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and Uberdark will answer them for you.