Lately I have been losing a lot of interest in 40k. Certain things about this edition just aren't doing it for me and I am not finding it terribly fun. So with that being said I have been looking into other games. I tried getting into Warhammer Fantasy by doing multiple test paint jobs of some ogres to no avail. I just couldn't get into the game from both a hobby standpoint as the miniatures just don't interest me and from a rules standpoint as I just don't like how rigid the game-play is.

Enter Warmachine. My friend Matt and I picked up the Warmachine starter set last year (I posted a test pic of the Khador Man o' War a while back). It took me a while to get into painting it as I was trying to finish off a bunch of 40k stuff at the time. It's 100% finished now and I will be posting some pics of both sides over the next week. We have done a bunch of test games too and I have been having a blast playing it. The game isn't with out its faults of course but I am having a great time with it just because it is something different. The biggest gripe most people have when getting into WM is the quality of the figs and if you go Warmachine its totally justified as GW is light years ahead for both quality of the sculpting and the plastics. The Horde side though seems to be a massive improvement over the Warmachine side, especially with their newer stuff.

I was looking through the different factions and the one that caught my eye and made me want to start playing Warmachine are the Trollbloods. The Axer (shown below) and the Dire Troll Mauler specifically just really stood out. I love the posing and the form of the figs. Since most of my projects over the last year and a half have been "speed painting" projects due to having way less time I decided it was time to really push and challenge myself with a project. Since in Warmachine a standard small force is 25pts and most armies at that size will run between 10-20 models so I figured this would be the perfect place to do it.

Here is the first model for the army. I tried out a bunch of new techniques and mediums I haven't used before (notably the rust effect). Overall I am very pleased with how he turned out. The only thing I am not a 100% sold on is the base as I think its maybe a bit to drab so any suggestions on how to make it "pop" would be much appreciated. I currently have my full 25pts list built, based and primed, ready to go and have been working at it on a very steady pace so I am hoping to keep the quality shown below for everything and updates coming at a steady pace.

Next Up: Trailer Hammer...the battle report!