What happens when a challenge is refused has plagued me since the first time reading it.  Seems there's a huge hole in specifically how the rest of the models behave.  Please someone help me out.  I'm thinking there's something printed in the book that I continue to overlook or am just not getting it.

JJ typing, Refusing a Challenge 40k6 pg 64

Alternatively, you can simply refuse the challenge and choose to have your character slink away with sullied honour but beating heart(s).  If you refuse, your opponent gets to nominate one of your characters from those that could have accepted.  The chosen model cannot strike blows at all this turn, as he is thereafter putting all of his effort into staying clear of the vengeful enemy character.  Furthermore, his Leadership cannot be used by the rest of the unit for the remainder of the phase - skulking amongst the ranks is not the stuff of heroism!

Once a challenge has been refused, the model that issued it fights normally.

Heroic Stand

A unit that consists of only a single character cannot refuse a challenge.  He's go nowhere to hide.

Context: Crowe assaulted Dire Avenger squad that had an Exarch and Yriel.  Crowe issued a challenge.  Yrield refused.

Here lays my confusion.  What happens?  Does Crowe get to pick a character, the Exarch, and fight him?  So that they duke it out while the other Dire Avengers watch?  Or with Yriel running away does Crowe fight the Dire Avengers?  Or does Crowe get to attack the squad and the squad doesn't get to attack back?

Adding to this quadmire.  What happens when there are two squads lead by characters.  One issues a challenge.  The other accepts.  What do the squads do?  Example: Orikan is with 10 Immortals and is assaulted by Eldrad with 10 Warlocks.  Eldrad issues a challenge, Orikan accepts (not sure why, this is a hypothetical situation).  What do the 10 Warlocks and Immortals do?  Besides Moral Support 40k6 pg 65.

Had a good 10 min chat with Shawn about this.  We are of the same mindset on all the rules and that one sentence of clarification can clear all this up.  We ran it the way he said it should be ran.  I was, and still am, confused exactly how assault happens when a character refuses a challenge.  Suijin and I actually had a discussion about Heroic Stand shortly after reading it.

This is where I'm requesting info about how this is ran.  If you have book and page numbers to support your info please drop some education on me.

slainte mhath