As I feverishly try and paint up my chaos marines I cannot help but ponder how my Eldar army will look in one months time.  Goal is to go to 1850 pronto with an all plastic army (only exception will be finecast HQ's).  So looking at what I have to work with I will start out playing my original mechdar list.  Fingers crossed the wave serpents come down in points: at least the weapon upgrades.  As it stands the core of my army is as follows:

Farseer - to be replaced by plastic farseer with spear

2 x 10 Avengers in wave serpent
10 Storm Guardians - wave serpent

2 Fire Prism's

Points for above with no upgrades is 955.  I suspect the above core will come down in price likely around 100 points or so.  I will admit, I will be pre-ordering the models without looking at the new rule set so a gamble on my part.  I plan to pick up one of each of the new sets: wraithknight, flyer, wraithguard, farseer, spirit seer, main rule book.  Again a gamble but the new army should look something like this:

Farseer - to be replaced by plastic farseer with spear
Spirit Seer - will he make 5 wraithguard troops?

5 Wraithguard - wave serpent (will they be troops)

2 x 10 Avengers in wave serpent
10 Storm Guardians - wave serpent

Fast Attack:

2 Fire Prism's

How many points will the above be? Will the above list be half decent? No idea but I plan to start out exploring the new book building on models I've built and painted.  Again (and subject to change) I want to focus on a plastic army.

As an aside here is a photo of my 1250 chaos warband to date:

Also have 2 rhino's that need some bits and bobs attached to 'chaos up.'  Doubt the army will be finished  by June but I would be happy if I had the majority of the infantry completed.  Dare to dream.

Anyway, all fired up for the new Eldar release.  Over and out.