The followers of a vengeful god have created a haven for themselves in Western Immoren.  Menoth, the True Creator of Man, has called forth his chosen.  In recent times, followers of the True Faith have heard the call of the Creator and migrated en masse to this new land, a holy land.  Now, the world shakes with the power of Menoth's armies, and the ranks of the believers continue to swell.

Once (and not so long ago), the the lands now known as the Protectorate of Menoth were a part of Cygnar. Following the Cygnaran Civil War in 484 A.R., Cygnar ceded the eastern portion of the capital city of Caspia.  The Menites renamed their portion of the city Sul, and the new kingdom on the eastern bank of the Black River began to flourish.  With their warcasters seemingly empowered by their Creator god, the worshippers of Menoth began a campaign of expansion that now includes lands as far north as the Llaelese city of Leryn.

The people who dwell in the lands of the Protectorate are invariably faithful adherents to the Canon of True Law, the holy writ of Menoth.  Almost all of the original inhabitants who lived in these lands were driven out if they accepted other gods, and as Menites from other kingdoms began to arrive and settle in the new promised land there became less and less room for the unbelievers.  Now the land is populated by fundamentalists, extremists and zealots.  The onward grind of the Menite war effort does not lack for enthusiastic volunteers.

Worship of other gods is outlawed in the Protectorate, which is problematic given the state of affairs with the more open-minded Kingdom of Cygnar.  No other god is above Menoth, and it's not uncommon for travelers who are openly reverent of other deities to be murdered by angry mobs frothing with religious zeal. Indeed, few are the fools who travel to the Protectorate without Menoth in their hearts.

The other Iron Kingdoms keep the Protectorate at arm's length, diplomatically speaking.  It's a state of open war with all other kingdoms as far as the Menites see it, and this does much to continually widen the gap between their new state and the other nations of Western Immoren.  As things are now, the state of affairs is only poised to worsen.  Yet even as the other Iron Kingdoms are forced to deal with them militarily, the might of the Protectorate of Menoth grows with each new pilgrim that finds their way to Menoth's holy land.

This short treatise is the second part outlining one of the Iron Kingdoms background for our players who have been on the edges of the club's game.  Check out the earlier background segment for Cygnar, then choose a warcaster and help us build a fantastic narrative!