Here are two more rules from last game.
JJ typing, Daemonbane Grey Knights 5th ed Codex pg 54
Any Daemon or psyker that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from Nemesis force weapons must take a Leadership test at the end of the Assault phase.
Context: Purifiers wounded Fleshhounds. I thought you made the test as soon as a wound was taken. Connor asked to see the rule and corrected me. Happens at end of assault.
FAQ 40k6 Rulebook pg 5
Q: Do models that ignore difficult terrain when moving or charging still fight at Initiative step 1 if they charge through difficult terrain?
A: Yes
Context: Fleshhounds assaulted lone Purifier on objective. Informed opponent that Fleshhounds are at a I1 even though they ignore difficult terrain. Looked it up on FAQ and there is it. Side note: Acye00 and I think this FAQ is ridiculous.
slainte mhath
6th ed Rules of the Game: Daemonbane and Beasts Charging through Difficult Terrain
by a Sent One | May 26, 2013