Having re watched all of the Lord Of The Rings films, plus appendices as a backdrop to revision I, naturally, pointed my brush in the direction of these Rangers, led by the redoubtable Faramir.

My plan for these figures is to build up a small Gondorian force, enough to play a 300 point game or so, consisting of as many rangers as possible, plus other troops to make up the ranks, themed around a unit in Ithilien, or holding a strongpoint such as Osgiliath.

Straying away from the bright, garish colours often seen on these models, I opted for a deep, rich brown leather, with a dark green cloak on every man.

I also have some of the aforementioned 'other troops' - a few warriors of Minas Tirith, some of whom will receive cloaks and other items of clothing before painting.

Lastly, the 6mm Napoleonics haven't been forgotten, the 42nd are now only one stand short of a battallion, and so should be finished at some point this century.