Rumors are from 2 sources 4CHAN, Bols (same source) and Dakka Dakka

as i mentioned earlier today, i got the book. will post some stuff but have to do some chores first before i can post some more, i have also posted this stuff on bols forums:

eldar warlord traits:

1. one use only. in the own shooting or assault phase, the warlord and all allies within 12" reroll failed to wound rolls of 1.
2. one use only. in the enemys shooting phase. the warlord and all allies within 12" gain the stealth usr.
3. the warlord and his unit add +1 to their run movement (so d6 + 1)
4. the warlord rerolls failed saves of 1.
5. the warlord got the split fire usr
6. allied eldar units deepstriking within 6" around the warlord dont scatter.

exarch abilites. some are USR some are codex specific:

fear, monsterhunter, night vision, feel no pain, hit & run.

sniper vision : the exarch has precision shots on a 5+

iron resolve: the exarch has +1 LD

disarm: in a challenge before striking blows, the exarch player and the enemy both roll a d6. if the exarch player rolls equal or higher than the enemy the enemys weapon counts as a normal close combat weapon instead.

if the WS of the exarch is higher than the enemy, you add +1 to your D6 roll.

fire hail (may be spelled wrong i translate here): the exarch may fire his weapon 1 more time than normal. has no use on flamers.

assassin: in a challenge, the exarch and his enemy both roll a D6. if equal or higher the exarch may reroll failed to wound rolls. if the initiative of the exarch is higher than the opponents, he adds +1 to his roll.

shield of grace: in a challenge, instead of attacking the exarch has a 3+ invulnerable save.

battle luck : 4+ invul for the exarch

crushing blow : +1 S for the exarch.

whats interessting is : the avatar can get exarch powers. so pretty fun

and a small cont :

army special rules :

old nemesis : hatred (daemons of slaanesh and enemys with the mark of slaanesh) also they have -1 on their LD when doing fear tests against daemons of slaanesh and enemys with the mark of slaanesh

battletrance: the unit may run and shoot or shoot and run. you have to run& shoot or shoot& run with each unit before you can move the next unit. models cannot run & shoot or shoot & run with heavy weapons unless they got the relentless special rule.

vehicle equipment:

mindbreaker: every enemy and friendly unit within 12" has to reroll passed lmorale and pinning tests.

ghostpath matrix: the vehicle gets the move through cover USR

holofield: the vehicle grants +1 on its cover save if it has moved.

forcefield : 5+ invul

crystal targeting matrix: one use only. the vehicle (except walkers) can fire a weapon at full BS even if it has moved with cruising speed.

soulstones: the vehicle ignores crew shaken on 2+ and crew stunned on 4+

serpent shield: as long as the shield is active, every penetrating hit on the front and side armor of a vehicle is a glance on a d6 roll of 2+

the shield may be deactivated to grant a following shooting attack :
60" s 7 ap - assault d6+1, ignores cover, pinning.

star engine: a vehicle that is no walker can move 24" with cruising speed. a walker runs +3"

vector engine: as long as the vehicle isnt immobilized, the vehicle can turn after shooting.

thats it for now. will post some more later.

Can't say about the Guardians, haven't looked at them really, sorry  

I can tell you their Shuriken catapults are still 12", although with the new Bladestorm rule(rolls of 6 to wound always wound at AP 2, no effect on vehicles) 

No squadrons in Heavy support(of course for Support batteries and War Walkers  ) 

Wraithlord and Wraithknight are both HS

Monofilament rule is as follows: 

All units shot with I of 3 or less(or no I value) are shot with S+1 , base strength is still 6. All to wound rolls of 6 are treated with AP 1. 


Old gun is S10 AP2 now, pretty sure still 12", D-Scythes are S4 AP 2 Flamer, 6 to wound causes ID as before 

Heavy D-Scythe of the Flyer is 18" small blast template 


90 pts for 10, storm guardians the same 


5 for 65 pts. 


As I saw beyond Spirit Seer making Wraith Guard troops nothing, no Phoenix Kings making some Aspect units scoring 

On the matter of Phoenix kings, I believe someone said they lost EW, this is not true, they stil have it, and they all look pretty cool(for example Asurmen gets to pick D3 Warlord traits) 


Farseers start at ML 3 fo 100 pts with included Ghost helm(changed so that you can ignore Perils for expanding a Warp charge), ROW are gone, give a once per game 2+ DtW, another set of runes lets you reroll a Psychic test once per game 

Warlocks are ML 1 psykers and can still go on jetbikes. 

I believe they are able to jump farther with their Jetpack now at least, it's 6"+2D6" now, I believe with the old rule was only 2D6

Autarchs can take different aspect Wargear, yes. 


Still only AP 3, Banshee masks have changed, they reduce I by 5 now, to a minimum of 1(not sure if this was permanent or only first turn of charging) 

Psychic powers: 

The Warlock powers are very good, if you take a lot of them and you roll well you will make everyone cry: 

- give/take Shrouding 
- improve armor save of a friendly unit by 1, decrease the save of an enemy unit by 1 
- give +/- 1 to WS/I 
- give +/- 1 to S 
- primaris is Doom 
- run extra distance/enemy unit can't run 

the other one I can't think of right now 

Spirit seer: 

If I remember correctly they had basically the same gear as Farseers 


Scatter lasers have a rule that lets you shoot them first, if you hit all other weapons on the model are treated as twin-linked 

Warwalkers now have a 5+ invul, but are treated as open vehicles 

Fire prism has a (at least I believe so) new shot profile, a 60" S9 lance, Heavy 1 

Eldar BS is now 4 across the board 

Disarm Exarch power: 

You roll against your opponent and get +1 if your WS is higher. If you roll higher than your opponent you get to chose a CC weapon he has and he cannot use it this turn and is treated as attacking with a normal CCW. This does not work against opponents with no weapons like a Trygon for example. This Exarch ability is for a Banshee exarch(Jain Zar has it too of course), autarch, and maybe the Avatar too, as he can get some Exarch skills. 

Speaking of the Avatar, he nowhas one W more, is WS/BS 10, I believe his Ini got up to 10 now(if it wasn't before) but only a Daemon now, so only 5++, but maybe he could get the Exarch skill that gives you a 4++. His CC attacks are AP 1 and they expanded his immunity to fire to Soul Blaze and Pyromancy Psychic powers. 

Illic Nightspears rules lets you infiltrate without range restrictions, no matter which unit he's with, so you could join him to a unit of Flamer Wraiths and have a nice little barbeque  

Warlocks have restrictions which unit they can join, but I believe it was only Wraith units. 

Wraithlord is still T8, S has gone down to 8 though, his sword is now S+1, Master crafted Dark Reapers are SnP, can get Krak and Flakk missiles(i believe 10 or 15 pts for Krak and 10 for Flakk per model), the Exarch either has or can buy a Range finder which let's you ignore Jink saves.