So moving on from the last rumor "troll" post, there are some more people posting things they claim to have seen in the new Eldar codex, and these seem pretty legit this time around as well...
So the leaked codex info is compiled over here and here (better translation). I don't want to post the info here for fear of getting shut down ala Faeit style so check out that link at your leisure. A lof of cool changes and I look forward to giving a codex overview, unit commentaries and tactics going asap!
First off, there are A LOT of changes that I think bring our units more in line with the modern meta and 6th edition. WS4/BS4 across the board where it used to be WS/BS3 is a great change as are our Psychic powers. You can easily make an effective army for any Craftworld now and most units have generally gone down in points while those that have increased in points have special rules to warrant such a change.
I'm already making army lists based on these rumors and the hardest thing for me is staying under a certain points limit or figuring out how many Warlocks I should include. Sadly, the rumors don't have the points for everything (such as weapon upgrade costs) but ultimately, it is a great place to get an idea of what we have to look forward to as Eldar players.