I spent the bank holiday Monday visiting some friends at BattleUX (Uxbridge Gaming Club). There were some great games going on during the day including a demo of Dropzone Commander (a game I have been quite intrigued by). 

I just have to share this pic of a Tzeentch style forest board. Really great example of the quality terrain that BattleUX have available.

The main event. Me and Gormag threw down 35pts of Warmahordes. I once again attempted to wrestle the Dragon. It looked good for awhile... and then my Avatar went down which was promptly followed by my Cinerators.

I definitely learnt a lesson about over stretching with my force as when i lost that flank my other flank was out of reach to help.

The above shot was just before we got to grips with one another's armies. TBH I am still a Warmahordes n00b but I am getting there... I am determined to get more Warmachine games per month.. shortly to be derailed by Infinity.. more on that soon though :)

- Martok