By Spaguatyrine

So Spaguatyrine here to try and get some approval from you bloggers to change my mind on my list for Tippcon.  I said I wouldn't play necrons or grey knights both of which I have done very well with at Adepticon, Nova, etc. 


I would like to play test a list a think I want might want to take to Nova for the invitational of which will be my third year playing in.  As the guy that runs it asked me if I was going to make it back to   glory...  I am looking at playing something with my Necrons that I have never done before or even seen on a table..... 

Orks!!  yes I am considering looking at Orks. 

Also with my new job I don't have as much time to travel to many bigger events to get a better testing to properly get "Nova ready" and represent Indiana and the midwest superbly. 

Your thoughts and reaction are anxiously awaited....?  

Don't        me too much please....

What do you think. The vote is up to you.... I will keep a tally.