The Veer-myn have access to many types of infantry. Here we will be looking at the kits for both the Night Crawlers (basic shooty rats) and Nightmares (elite pyrotechnic rats). Both these kits are made from "restic" and come in plastic cases that can be used as carry cases once the models are built.
Night Crawler bodies.

The Veer-myn section has enough parts to build one leader model armed with a pistol and knife, a chem-thrower armed veer-myn and eight veer-myn armed with chemical lasers. 
The legs and torso come as a single piece, two of these will be larger than the rest and are used to build the leader and special weapon trooper.
Night Crawler heads.
The kit includes two sets of four identical heads and two individual heads, presumably these last two are for the leader and special weapon models but they will still fit any of the bodies.
Each of the eight chem lasers in this kit match up to a particular style of body so make sure you have the right arm for each body before you start applying glue. The pistol and chem burner will fit either of the large bodies.
Tails and leader/chem-thrower bits
Chem laser rifles, chem laser pistol and chem-thrower.
The eight tails are for the smaller bodies as the larger ones have tails sculpted onto them. Each tail fits a particular type of body, the fit is very tight so you wont find it hard to figure out which goes where.

There is also a backpack and knife wielding arm for the leader and an arm to support the underneath of the chem-thrower. The last and only complicated part of the kit is the chem-thrower's backpack and hose that connect to the handle of his weapon. I had to bend the hose quite a lot to get it to fit.   

The Night Crawler kit is easy to assemble although it does have it fair share of mold lines. These are easy to remove with a sharp hobby knife and just require a little patience to sort out before getting on with assembling the miniatures. The best piece of advice I can give you when building this kit is to "dry assemble" everything first. There are several parts that only fit with a specific piece and since there are no instructions with this kit you will need to be very careful that you don't glue the wrong parts together. 

The Nightmare kit is very similar to the Night Crawler kit in many ways. No instructions yet many parts that only fit in very specific places and again some mold lines that need to be removed. 
The Nightmare team kit has enough parts to build five Nightmares including one with a chem-thrower. 
Unlike the other kit you will have some leftovers that are perfect for upgrading the leader of another unit with a combat drill. The kit includes five bodies, five sets of combat drills and chem burners yet you will only need four, six backpacks, six heads, five tails and five arms with slots that fit the chem burners. The only difficult part about this kit is getting the chem-burner hoses to connect with the backpacks. One piece of advice for this is to hold the hose in warm water to make it supple enough to bend, I didn't bother with this though and just gently bent it round as it was and, once glued in place, it was fine.
As I said with the previous kit, just be very patient and make sure you have the right parts going in the right places before you start gluing. 

The finished models are very good, they stand a little taller than the Night Crawlers, just enough to make their elite status obvious. It is also nice that you get just enough extra parts to upgrade the leader of a unit of Crawlers or Stalkers to carry a combat drill and give him an alternate head.

I will be getting these painted and added to my Veer-myn army ASAP, you can never have enough rats! Here are links to the Night Crawler section and Nightmare team just in case you want some bloodthirsty mutant rats for yourself!

See ya.