I got a call yesterday afternoon from the local plastic crack dealer that the new Eldar releases had arrived so I swung though and picked up the codex and the sassy new Wraithknight. Since I've been working on the Imperial Knights recently I was quite interested to see how the new model compared, and I was not disappointed! What was slightly surprising was how static the model was designed to be out of the box - I was expecting to be able to pose the legs and torso however I pleased, but the way the upper legs were designed to attach to the pelvis, and the way the knees and feet peg in place it seems as though it was designed such that it's meant to go together in a very specific way. We can't have that now, can we? A fair bit of cutting and filing ensued to remove a number of pegs and tabs that force the particular pose that it's designed with and I was finally able to get a good running pose out of it.
To be fair, there's nothing wrong with the original pose out of the box, and I suppose it was designed such that the novice modeler would be able to get a nice solid build out of it without having too much trouble. A bit of time with the clippers will be required if you wish to have the lower legs in any pose beyond the default though. I altered how both upper thighs attach to the pelvis, straightened the left leg and increased the bend on the right to really get it looking like it's charging forward.
The arms and upper torso went together like a dream, though there were an awful lot of fiddly multi-part bits that I would have thought could have been single pieces rather than assemblies, but they did all fit together beautifully. I went with the twin heavy distortion cannons with underslung scatter lasers, as when the scatter lasers hit any other weapon systems the model may have become twin linked. Not a bad combo I think!
Standing next to the Prometheus I was quite pleased with how they compare scale-wise. A little taller, but nowhere near as massive, just like an Eldar knight ought to be! I'm still in the midst of deciding what craftworld to go with for the army, though I'm leaning towards Alaitoc. I think the mottled blue camouflage with yellow trim could look pretty sharp!
Eldar – Wraithknight built
by Mordian7th | Jun 1, 2013