As I'm typing there's just 29 hours left of the Deadzone KS and this KS is already the most successful KS from Mantic games yet, with $837,844 in pledge total at the moment and rising fast now. Myself have been thinking if I wanted to participate in this KS or not, I don't really need more minis to paint in Dec this year (the Robotech RPG miniatures arrives this date too). But yesterday I made up my mind, and I will participate in this KS as well, going with sweet spot lvl of Strike Team with quite a deal of add-ons as well. The Strike Team lvl is just a too good deal to miss out on, with a lot of miniatures and even a quite lot of scenery to make awesome terrain for both this game and other Sci-fi games (like Warszone).

If you have checked this KS out yet, you can find it here. Go and look if you can find anything of interest.