JJ modelling, this isn't my idea. 40k buddy Wade told me about this several months ago. Decided to give it a try. Going to listen to all the music from one band each day that I'm painting this week. Don't feel I have the time to look for the next album to play. Today's band was VNV Nation. Out of the 120 songs I have, listened up to 108. Not bad. Figure I'll finish that catalogue tomorrow then start the next band.
Tall ass model! |
I would heavily suggest to cut off the peg from one of the feet. Will make putting this guy on the base easier. |
These pieces are like legos. No glue needed. Just snap them into place due to he previous pieces being glued first. |
We need another model that is almost the same height as a Monolith? Monolith is a skimmer base. |
This the part I'm most worried about. There are only two pieces to connect the shoulder pad to the body. One has a peg other is flat. |
You'll probably notice a little female end peg on the right under the air-intake. That is the only supporting part for the shoulder pad. |
I highlight suggest NOT cutting the peg off for the torso. You'll only end up pinning it again. |
When you come to the harness for the forearm weapons. Please glue the harness to itself first before gluing to the forearm weapon. |
slainte mhath
How to make Eldar Wraithknight.