Wraith Knight built and magnetized. Only missing bits are the shoulder mounted weapons that I'll get to later. Also put together the plastic Farseer (great model). Behind the Wraith Knight is a 1250 list that is made up entirely of plastic models. Just need to finish putting together one squad of Dire Avengers. With the Wraith Knight my 1500 point list is as follows:
Farseer - singing spear
2 x 10 Avengers - wave serpent, scatter lasers, holo-field
10 Avengers - exarch, shield + power weapon, shield of grace, wave serpent as above
2 Fire Prisms - holo-fields
Wraith Knight - plasma cannon
Total Points 1500
The Farseer will ride with Exarch to act as his body guard. 100% plastic army. 1500 points is the goal right now as I've a friend who has just built 1500 points of raven wing dark angels. Going to get some games in to break in this new book.
As for magnetizing it was relatively easy as the kit gives you 2 sets of arms. Thats all for now.