Time to check in with those of you still monitoring this channel for signs of life, letting you know that the Emperor's light still burns in my little corner of the Blogosphere albeit on minimal power setting.

My Hobby time has been on restricted duty since the birth of our daughter; compound that life changing event with a shift pattern that was custom designed to hinder the 40k hobbyist and a long term case of 'Slow Painter's Syndrome'. It all makes for poor reading I'm sorry to say.

Like many in our community (most will have read and some written similar posts) I'm still wrestling with the logistics of actually sitting back down at the painting table and getting a game in seems an insurmountable challenge at present; but I am determined to keep a firm grip on our beloved Hobby this time and not let it fall by the wayside as I did back in the middling years of Third Edition (a career enforced lapse that in the light of my current commitments appears quite trivial).

A couple of casualties early on in this battle were the Forgeworld Open Day, on account of being a latecomer to the news of it becoming a ticketed event; a bit frustrating (though I can appreciate why they made the change) as I did have the time to go and my regular attendance was something of a popular feature here on the blog. A weekend away to the Heresy Weekender was planned as both consolation & part of my 40th Birthday present, but sadly work played it's 'exigencies of duty' wargear card & I was again forced to watch from the sidelines.

To that end I have been lurking about the Blogosphere keeping up with current events as best I can whilst juggling baby and iPad, living the Hobby vicariously through the work of others.

Hobby Podcasting has been a boon to me as I battle the daily, rather less fun chores of parenting and I'm currently making great progress listening to the entire back catalogue of the excellent shows from The Independent Characters.

I've also been making the odd purchase or three despite tightening purse strings (I think it's a comfort thing), adding to the resin mountain on my work pending shelves.

To top it all, I received some welcome encouragement to get my creative writing head back on when I was contacted by a fellow blogger & hobbyist named Dan from afterimagedan.blogspot.co.uk asking to use some of my Draco Sector work in a global Battlefleet Gothic campaign he was planning.

I was more than happy to oblige, although I think his campaign will be well advanced before I can return to this rather neglected aspect of my Hobby time; check out his blog is you are BFG inclined.

So that's where yours truly stands at present, a proud father and a hopeful Hobbyist, if not a very productive one. I'll be attempting to drip feed some actual content back into the blog as soon as another break in the parenting schedule presents itself. Probably a Books in Brief review, as I have managed to get a couple more Heresy novels read, both Fear to Tread and Shadows of Treachery.

Until then, as always, I appreciate all of you dropping by; thanks, that is all.