Here is the first draft of a new banner commission. Pre Heresy World Eaters!
He wanted the basic World Eaters logo, the chaos star pointed circle with the jaws eating the world, with maybe some chain axes crossed in the back. 8th company. But he was not sure and left it up to me! I don't know much about preheresy stuff, but I don't know if the World Eaters adopted the pointy chaos star stuff until after the heresy.
So while the pointy "Gothic" design around the circle enclosing the world may be accurate, for 31st mil Space Marines, I just don't know. So I decided to go with a more animalistic jaw, using a sharks jaw bone as a prompt. The Chainaxes need improvement, but I just put them in for place holders, and I need to organize the layout a bit better.
The banner itself is light blue. The field around the logo is going to be black, on the blue banner, with white trim between. The standard bone colored Jawa Scroll and decorations on the tabs on the bottom. Is this looking too Space Sharky? Should I go more with the pointy circle design?
Coming soon:
Redemption of the Fallen Charity project
Full sized Blood Angels, Lamenters, Black Templars and Custom banners
Eldar Ulthwe
Lamenters back on track
Pre Heresy World Eaters full size banner!
by Jawaballs | Jun 4, 2013