A treat for you today on my blog. When I first started this blog well over a year ago my army got posted on Col Gravis' blog and well now its time to pay it forward. A good friend of mine has a been working on a fantastic ork army and while he's hasn't got himself a blog yet he very kindly agreed to do a guest post on here!
If you all seem to like it I'm sure his arm can be twisted for a few more posts of his brilliant orks!
Hi All
Col. Winterborne has kindly allowed me to hijack his blog this post as I have so far been too lazy to set up my own. I have collected W40K for about 10 years and began collecting a Chaos army, then a Tau one, and finally moved on to the army I’m painting at the moment – Orks!
I started collecting Orks because I love converting miniatures, and Orks seem to offer more opportunities for this than any other race. I then – purely on the basis of one cool looking Meganob in the Ork Codex – decided to go for a Bad Moons army. This is a decision I have often cursed every time I start painting the yellow armour (my current technique requires 6 different coats of paint), but every time I see a finished mini I normally decide it was worth it.
So, on to the pics. No Bad Moon army would be complete without a decent unit of Meganoz, so I thought they would be a worthy choice for the first post.
The 8 Meganobz are sometimes fielded as 2 units of 4, but I have often found that one unit of 6 or more becomes so hard for the opposition to take out, that they often survive the entire game, destroying far more points worth of enemy than their original cost. For this reason I often take them as the one unit of Nobs that your Warboss allows you to take as a Troops choice as they can occasionally steal objectives away from your opponent.
The squad contains 2 members with Kombi-Skorchas (a very effective upgrade) and the rest with Twin-Linked Shootas – I find that taking rockets to be a waste of points as Orks rarely hit with them, and so I converted the couple of models I had with these back to Twin Linked Shootas (Orks love re-rolls).
The Meganobz only have 2 real weaknesses: 1) They can’t have an invulnerable save (unless you take Grotsnik) and so can be particularly vulnerable to high AP shooting weapons – especially those strong enough to cause instant death. 2) They have poor Leadership (7) and rarely form a unit big enough to benefit from the Mob rule.
The second weakness is easily overcome with the attachment of a Warboss to the unit, and so here is mine:
The mini is converted from the Ghazghkull model (one of my favourite GW creations) with a few simple mods and a bit of reposing. I made the decision to base all of the orks on dark bases, as if they are marching through the ruins of a hive city. This, along with the dark shades of green I like to use for the ork skin, are intended to contrast nicely with the bright yellow armour. To make the Warboss stand out even more than some of the other models I used some Cityfight terrain and a Guard Tank Commander to decorate the base, along with an Attack Squig made mostly from Greenstuff.
Well, that’s it for this post. Please let me know if you have any feedback or questions on the minis or the painting – Col. Winterborne might even let me do another post if the feedback is good.
WAAAAAAGH!!! Warboss Gorblud takes over the blog!
by Colonel Winterborne | Jun 4, 2013