Finally! The tipping point were these guys start to look like something. Amazing what one spot color can do...

I was getting worried. Progress had been so slow that I was seeing red  :P
 Oh wait, that was just the latest color added to these minis. All that is left is the mutations, bone, metal and a few spots of flesh. Once those are bashed out these will go like poop through a goose! You'll see a drastic change in the washing and glazes stage - that, or I'll ruin them and you can watch me blog from inside the sanatorium o_O

And here is where we are with my Chibi test mini Vandella:
That was about 10 min of work! I'll have to smooth it out a bit with some brush work, but that'll be one of the last things I do. *Note to self: Thin paints more at lower PSI to avoid splatter effect **Addendum: Splatter effect could be a useful starting point for stippling on larger areas. All hail the air brush!** And here is the beginnings of her display base...
Oh God, he's going to start staining again...Yes. Yes I am.

Finally, I have some one you should meet...

ARRRRRRrrr! This be Mister Masson: Our stone, um... mason. Yarrr. I don't know what I'm doin'.
Only 2.5 hrs on him. Not bad :)

 Next post: WIPs of Chosen, inching closer to that fun wash/glaze stage. WIPs of Vandella, she is such a fun mini to work on! And we tip over the half way point on the pirate crew, truth be told I just want to blaze through them and get on with the 40k and my contest submission.  I won't though. These are for friends at the office and I won't rush (Unless it's excited rushing and then it's okay). Guess what I added to the blog roll? Blogs! Wait, WHO TOLD YOU?! Never mind.  Please comment, question or critique as the spirit moves you below and remember; you can't spell paint without a little pain.