So after seeing how awesome Wraithguard can be in a recent tournament (they gave me quite some grief in one of my games as I had to play against a unit), I can't wait to put together a few units to throw down with a classic Iyanden type army in a future tournament. The new models are amazing, though, my OCD is driving me crazy regarding how some of the pieces look. This post will basically cover how the new Wraithguard look, especially compared to the old Wraithgaurd and how one might want to use them in an army.

So first I'll go over my OCD regarding the new Wraithguard kit then show a size comparison between the old and new models followed by how I expect to use Wraithguard in a future army list.


So first off, is it just me or do the different "cowl" pieces each box comes with drive anyone crazy? I like things to be consistent, orderly and symmetrical. Therefore, I hate how each "cowl" in the WG box set is different...I'll probably have to trade mine out for different styles with other fellow OCD gamers. I ended up cutting/filling some of the cowls so they all look more consistent and similar (as you'll see below) but overall, once I put the model together I thought the new WG kit is fantastic and amazing.

Size Comparison:

So here you can see how much bigger the new WG model is compared to the old one. You can also see how I filed down and cut the cowl piece to look more like the traditional WG model, I just can't stand the designes in the new box but ultimately, very cool models. The bigger size means you can draw LOS easier to them but now they can more easily give cover to Wraithlords/Wraithknights. Can't wait to have a bunch of these guys running around...But what about my old ones? Putting them on larger bases will be a hassle and they might look funny next to the new ones...Perhaps I'll just have to buy a bunch more?

Using Wraithguard:

So now that we have plenty of options for our Wraithguard, how should we run them? Ultimately, a 5 strong unit in a Serpent is very solid as once they get to a target, their guns are bound to kill stuff dead and they are sturdy enough to stick around. Therefore, I probably will run 2x 5 in a Serpent with D-Scythes along with 1x5 in a Serpent with regular Wraithguns. On top of that, I might run a 10 man unit on foot with some Wraithlords/Wraithknight and Psychic support.

A list I am toying around with will be something like this:

HQ: 170


-Spiritseer: 70

Explanation: Farseer is there to hopefully buff units with Fortune or just get Guide/Prescience while Spiritseer is there to make Wraithguard troops and provide Conceal and hopefully 2+ armor to a unit. Bike on Farseer since I had the points and what's not to love about getting a 3+ armor save and T4?


-Wraithguard: 210
-Wave Serpent: 150
115(base)+5(Scatter Laser)+15(holofields)+15(Vectored Engines)=150

-Wraithguard: 210
-Wave Serpent: 150
115(base)+5(Scatter Laser)+15(holofields)+15(Vectored Engines)=150

-Wave Serpent: 135
115(base)+5(Scatter Laser)+15(Holofields)=135


Explanation: The D-Scythe wielding Wraithguard are bound to wreck havoc on anything they get near and I just think that weapon adds so much utility once it gets in range. Their Wave Serpents have Holofields to help make the most of their Jink saves and Vectored Engines lets you move up 6" with the back of the vehicle facing the enemy so you can essentially add the length of the Wave Serpent to the unit's disembarkation while turning the Wave Serpent back around to avoid giving up Rear Armor after shooting the Scatter Laser. The other Wraithguard are just there to score and take out units where S10 AP2 shots will be required. 

Heavy Support: 330

120(base)+40(2x Bright Lance)+5(Gost Glaive)=165

120(base)+40(2x Bright Lance)+5(Gost Glaive)=165

Explanation: long ranged shooting from Bright Lances are always solid and now you can get 2 on a single Wraithlord. Guide/Precience them both and get some good long ranged anti-tank in while your army moves up for the kill. I always take 2x Flamers on my Wraithlords too, BTW. They are also a decent CC element to protect against things that get too close so their Glaive will help in that sense.

This list comes out to 1850 on the dot and if you want to, you can move some things around to fit in a 3rd Wraithlord or a Wraithknight. You can also take the Iyanden Supplement and add in some more Spiritseers but I think that Conceal is too strong to give up and you don't really NEED them for the Wraithguard in the Serpents.