Wanted to share some steps used when painting the Crimson Hunter and Wraithknights weapons.

JJ typing,

Blister, weapons and poster tac.

Poster tac used to adhere the weapons to the blisters.  All weapons based Abaddon Black with airbrush.  Poster tac is useful when airbrushing tiny parts and you don't want to get paint on your fingers/gloves or potentially mess with the paint while its drying.

In my 40k universe all laser weapons are silver and heat weapons red.  Airbrushed Vallejo Model Air Chrome for lasers and Evil Sunz Scarlet for heat.

Little bit of blue tape to protect arm from over-spraying.  I wasn't thinking this all the way through when assembling this part of the wraithknight.

Leviathan Purple wash for laser and Bloodletter wash for heat.

After washes have dried airbrush highlight laser weapons with Vallejo Model Air Steel and heat with Evil Sunz Scarlet.

Right arm is the reason not to glue forearm weapon mount to arm before painting.  Thought I had enough control of my airbrush to do the weapon without blue tape.  Nope.  Then taped up both arms before continuing airbrushing.

Recycling is your friend.  Keep your pallets around for the next time.

Starcannons received line-highlight of Blazing Orange and Flash Gitz Yellow.

Shuriken cannons line-highlighted Adeptus Battlegrey.

slainte mhath