I've never really been all that interested in tournaments.  Usually there are 2-5 decent ones in my neck of the woods a year.  I've gone only to watch other players but never felt the desire to play myself.  That's all changed though with the recent Eldar codex.  I've had great success with my games to date and really want to start playing at a more competitive level.  Anyway,  1850 is becoming standard in my parts so I've come up with the following list that I think is very strong in the current meta and can take on all sorts of opposing lists.  Here we go:


3 x 10 Avengers - wave serpent, holo, lasers
2 x 5 Jet Bikes - shuriken cannons

3 x 5 Warp Spiders

2 Fire Prisms - spirit stones
1 Wraith Knight

Total: 1850

The 3 Avenger wave serpents have been simply amazing.  Backed up by a wraith knight and 2 fire prisms, I can dish out heaps long range fire power.  The farseer has not been that great for me so I figure the stock ability of the autarch would provide more utility by helping keep my jetbikes off the table as well as deep striking my warp spiders should I choose to do that.  Its the warp spiders though that really bring this list together.  Having hit and run really buys my tanks some breathing room.  Turn 2 assaults are a lot less scary as I can set up my bladestorm turn one then move my spiders into position to block assaults thereby allowing me an unmolested turn 2 bladestorm.

Tau are a big problem, but my list does out-range tau and I can focus my first turn on taking out marker lights.  No flyers means any given tau has wasted points on skyfire/intercept.  Storm ravens are a problem, but they are expensive so they come in limited numbers and I think I have enough volume of shots to glance them to death.  Five flying MC's can wreak my face but every gun in my list from little to big can bring the pain.  Necrons on Eldar is a bloody affair but I think both armies match up fairly well against each other so a win would come down to game play rather than lists.

In my opinion Eldar have changed the meta.  Not as obviously as the Tau but the rise of our hover tanks will require other armies to rethink their builds.  I suspect when Marines come along we will see some cheep hard counters to Eldar with twin linked melta shots aplenty but that is mere conjecture.  As it stands Eldar are a very strong army and I plan to revel in it for as long as it lasts.

An alternate list using same principles as above is as follows:

Autarch - banshee mask, avenger gun, scorpion sword

3 x 10 Avengers - wave serpent, holo, lasers
2 x 3 Jet Bikes

2 x 10 Warp Spiders

2 Fire Prisms
1 Wraith Knight

Total: 1850

Points shaved to add more spiders.  The autarch now can combi assault with the wraith knight to drop opponents initiative (handy against deamon princes allowing the wraith knight to get a strength 10 hit in a pinch).  I like the first list more though.