As the title says, DreadBall Season 3 previews have started to appear from Mantic Games.
Above is the new MVP, the Praetorian. An Asterian Cypher that has some links with the Judwan.

The Asterian Team and MVP Mellissandra have also been shown. The paint job is WIP but the models are looking very nice. Its a shame they didn't come with helmets like they had in the original artwork though.

Season 3 sees the introduction of multi-hex models or Giants as Jake Thornton calls they.
The DreadBall Mech is looking awesome and dwarfs the Enforcer.

Another of the new S3 teams is the Zee. A team of little clones. It has been mentioned they will be able to have more than 6 players on the pitch at a time.

The dino-lizard-men Terratons will be teleporting onto the pitch soon. Not sure how teleport movement will work in the game but cant wait to find out.

On the far left of this case you can see another multi-hex Giant. The Alpha Simian. Those green claws look dangerous.

Along with the Season 3 goodies there will also be some of the MVPs in the Season 2 book. The first being Wyn, the Robot only player that was a Kickstarter exclusive.

If you like the look of DreadBall but not picked it up yet then check out our 500th post giveaway running until tomorrow night. Just leave a comment HERE for a chance to win a DreadBall Kick Off edition box or a signed art print.

Which one of the S3 models are you looking forward to the most?

Hendybadger awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!