Admittedly, I've always had a soft spot for them (and I used to cheese it up by sitting my farseer with them and guide/doom combo-ing the enemy to wipe out a unit of muhreens per turn) but now they offer sooooo much more, and at a cheaper price!
The unit I used to run cost 227 points and comprised of 4 reapers plus an exarch with tempest launcher and fast shot. Three blast templates and 8 S5 AP3 shots per turn was gooood (especially when I cheesed them up, re-rolls to hit AND to wound? Why thank you old codex!) and essentially meant I could kill an entire unit, of anything, per turn.
For the SAME points cost, yes, the EXACT SAME points cost I now get 4 reapers with 2 S5 or 1 S8 missile, plus an exarch with eldar missile launcher, flakk missiles and fast shot for 2 S8 or 2 S7 skyfire shots per turn. And night vision (believe me, that extra 5 points is definitely worth it). And they can now move and fire for a 56" range. And you don't get jink saves against their shots (doubles up with night vision nicely that). And with the exarch being a character, to hit rolls of six are precision shots too. Also with guide now having a 24" range I don't have to sit me farseer with them these days, allowing him to wander around helping multiple units.
And yes, I realise that I could probably sink those points into a
Food for thought fellow eldarers (or whatever our plural is. answers on a postcard), maybe give it a go and let me know if you agree?
Adios for now